Leon Zăgrean graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest in 1978. After a period of four years of medical practice he became, through competition, assistant professor at the Department of Physiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila". He got a PhD in Medical Sciences in 1993 and, after completing all academic stages, he became professor in 2002. Since 2004, he is heading the Department / Discipline of Physiology.
In addition to teaching and scientific activity in physiology, Dr. Leon Zăgrean, initiated in 1982 a student research group, which is formed gradually in the Neuroscience Laboratory, and in 2005, together with Prof. dr. Ovidiu Băjenaru, Head of the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital, organizes the Center of Excellence in Neuroscience, accredited by CNCSIS. In 2001 he initiates and organizes National Neuroscience Society, whose president will be until 2012, when it becomes Honorary President.
Leon Zăgrean developed in the Laboratory of Neuroscience a cerebral ischemia/reperfusion experimental model, which, then, together with a group of young researchers was extended and explored by electrophysiological methods, neuronal cell cultures under various conditions hypoxia, metabolic and pharmacological treatments. These studies represented the objectives of several national and European research projects whose results have been presented at scientific meetings and published in many papers in journals of international circulation. Prof. Leon Zagrean is editor/author or co-author of several scientific books some of which are published in prestigious international publishing houses.
Prof. Leon Zăgrean is a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences and a member of several national and international scientific societies. He was Director of the National Biomedical Research "Viasan" in 2001-2008.

Leon Zagrean
MD, PhD, Professor, Head Division of Physiology and Neuroscience "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy