Mihai Stancu is a medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” in Bucharest and he joined the GRINS group during his 2nd year of college in 2012, making him one of the youngest members. However, he quickly learned some of the laboratory techniques, like intracranial electrode implantation, anesthesia or intubation and is trying to acquire the 4-VO technique.
He especially began raising questions about everything surrounding him during his studies at “Mihai Viteazul” High School in Bucharest and simply wouldn’t be content with an incomplete or vague answer. As these questions began to point more and more towards how the human mind works, the neuroscience domain steadily became the aim for his efforts and thoughts. Soon enough, he joined the “Coma” research group in order to bring his small contribution to the world’s pursuit of knowledge.
He is an active member in the SOMS organization as he is currently in charge of the Department of Foreign Affairs.