Abdallah Reda Elsayed, is an Egyptian 2nd year medical student (2014-2015), in UMF Carol Davila, English module. In 2013, he got accepted in the coma research group, as a first year medical student, and acquired laboratory skills such as anesthesia and intracranial electrode implantation, and in the next year, 2014, he became a member of SOMS (Scientific organization of medical students)
In 2012, when he was in grade 12 (thanwaya amma), Abdallah qualified through the second stage of GSF (google science fair) among the best 10 students in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and the best 30 students worldwide. Afterwards, he participated in several conferences and events, where he was awarded ranks and certificates, with SNN 2014 in Bucharest, Romania – being last, but not least – where his poster received the third prize in the posters session.
In 2011, Abdallah, as a high school student, created a Youtube channel called “edu4free”, in order to explain scientific subjects like biology, physics and chemistry, and when he became a medical student, he started explaining medical curriculum, as physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, … etc.
Abdallah speaks excellent English, in addition to his mother’s tongue, Arabic, with French and German, some Romania, Japanese and Chinese

Abdallah Reda Elsayed
Medical student at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy